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Asbestos Testing Grand Junction

Asbestos Testing Grand Junction

Asbestos Testing Grand Junction:  Call ECOS on 970-245-3331 to hire a professional company with over half a dozen Colorado-certified building inspectors.  Asbestos can be extremely dangerous for human health as well as the environment. Several countries have regulated it. The mineral occurs naturally and comprises microscopically small fibre that causes severe diseases like asbestosis and mesothelioma.

Industrial facilities, manufacturing, heavy machinery, and insulated piping can come in contact with asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). Thus, asbestos testing becomes essential.

Why Is Asbestos Testing Grand Junction Important?

Asbestos is a well-known human carcinogen. Thus, it can be a major health hazard if its fibres are ingested or inhaled. Since asbestos fibres cannot be seen through the naked eye, all exposed populations and workers are at a higher risk. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSH) discourages exposure to workers. However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) controls the exposure of asbestos to the environment and the public.

Several rules, procedures, and guidance for proper removal, assessment, and exposure control have been published and publicized. Not following the established procedures, and regulations for testing, removing, storing, disposing, or transporting asbestos can bring liabilities.

Exposure to asbestos fibres causes several long term and short-term health problems. However, the main health problems can be divided into three categories:

  • Pleural disease – damage to the internal lining of the lungs.
  • Asbestosis – permanent damage of the lung tissue.
  • Mesothelioma and lung cancer – cancerous and tumour cells that eventually attack and damage the lungs.

Testing Methods

There are multiple ways one can test for asbestos in their home or office. It is best not to try and identify it by yourself. Try and seek professional help. Neglected samples can lead to further distribution and disruption of the asbestos inside your home.

The very first step that we must take is to get in touch with an asbestos specialist. They can come and inspect your home to identify places where it might be present.

  • Air Samples

Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) measures the concentrations of fibre that confirm the presence of asbestos in the air samples. As a result, this method is quite useful as it takes less time and is more cost-effective. PCM does not identify the fibres of asbestos positively. It gives a complete gauge of the multiple fibres present in a specific air sample.

Transmission Electron Microscopy identifies fibres that are very small. In fact, it is one of the best methods available for locating airborne asbestos materials. This has now standard practice for most air samples as it helps researchers identify very small particles present in the air.

  • Building Material Samples

This technique utilizes the unique properties of general polarized light. It examines properties x that are mineral specific in fibres. This helps researchers to identify particles of asbestos, along with multiple species of asbestos particles. PLM tests display the percentage of raw asbestos in a specific material after the examination.

  • Soil and Water Testing

Environmental investigations use soil testing for illegal dumping of materials. PLM tests the soil. TEM methods analyze the water samples.

We provide sample analysis and testing for buildings, firms, and industrial sites. Additionally, our team uses advanced asbestos testing methods like TEM, PLM, and PCM that offer exact and accurate results.  So, if you find a reason to believe that there might be asbestos around or in your home, get in touch.

Call ECOS on 970-245-3331 to hire a professional company with over half a dozen Colorado-certified building inspectors.  We can also answer any questions you might have about asbestos abatement.  Finally, if you have another contractor that you have hired for water damage, then make sure that they understand State Reg 8 rules about Asbestos Testing Grand Junction!

This ECOS Environmental Blog Post was written in 2Q 2022 and supported by the following Government Entities:



Pitkin County